2. Services
  3. Regulatory Sciences
  4. Registration Application in Other Asian Countries
  5. Registration, Application and Notification Services on Chemical Substances(Other Asian Countries)
  6. Application for New Chemical Substances in the Philippines

Application for New Chemical Substances in the Philippines

From the survey of novelty To submission to the authority

According to the Republic Act No.6969 with the implementing rules and regulations of the Republic Act 6969, manufacturers and importers of new chemical substances in the Philippines must submit in conformity to these regulations. SCAS provides various kinds of assistance, including research on the requirement for registration, arrangement of necessary studies, and submission of documents to the authority with our partners in the Philippines.


The Republic Act No.6969
The implementing rules and regulations of the Republic Act 6969

Objectives (Republic Act No.6969 Sec.4.)

To monitor, regulate, restrict and prohibit the manufacture, importation etc. of substances and mixtures which may have unreasonable hazards and risks for human health and the environment. Hazardous and nuclear wastes are also subject to control.

Chemicals subject to registration (Implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act 6969 Sec.17.)

New chemical substances which are not listed in PICCS

Chemicals not subject to registration (Implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act 6969 Sec.22.)

Chemical substances which are already listed in PICCS
Chemical substances which are imported or manufactured in small quantities including for experimental or research and development purposes
Reaction intermediates used within a closed production system
NOTICE: If you would like to manufacture or import in small quantities including for experimental or research and development purposes, you must submit an application for exemption. Also, the authority recommends to obtain PICCS certificates for chemical substances which are listed in PICCS.

Notifiers (Implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act 6969 etc.)

Manufacturer or importer of new chemical substances in the Philippines

Features / Advantages of Our Company

The categories of submission

Categories Details
PMPIN (registration) Abbreviated Form Quantity ≧1t/y Listed in other country’s inventory and regarded as safe
Detailed Form Quantity ≧1t/y Not listed in other country’s inventory
application for exemption SQI Permit Quantity < 1t/y (per production site or importer) The permit is valid for one year. It is possible to reapply.
R&D Exemption Quantity < 1t/y (per production site or importer) For experimental or research and development purposes. The permit is valid for one year. It is possible to reapply.
request of certificate PICCS Certification To obtain the certification for listing in PICCS The certification is applied for single substance or mixture.
Polymer Exemption To obtain the certification for polymer if the polymer meets either provision.
  1. Monomers and other reactants added at quantities less than 2 w/w%
  2. Monomers already listed in PICCS
  3. If two or more of the top reactants (polymer) are included in the definition of another polymer already in the PICCS.

Our services

Services before application

  • Survey of chemical substance's novelty
  • Strategy planning for developing your business based on your data (physicochemical properties, safety data, exposure, classification and labeling)

Services related to application

  • Determination of data gaps and strategy planning to fill in gaps
  • Arrangement, monitoring and data acquisition of various tests
  • Preparation of application form
  • Preparation of SDS
  • Submission to the authority and response to comments from the authority

Other Services

  • Accommodation and negotiation with the authority, etc.

Contact Us for Services

For inquiries and requests concerning services of analysis, measurements, products and consulting, please contact us via inquiry form.