2. Services
  3. Material Sciences
  4. Evaluation of Hazardous Substances for Disaster Prevention
  5. Confirmation Testing of Hazardous Materials in the Jpanese Fire Service Act
  6. Q & A

Q & A

Gas explosion test

Q: Can gas explosion test with high boiling point liquid be performed?

A: With the gas explosion apparatuses of Sumika Chemical Analysis Service (SCAS), testing up to 300 degC is possible. Any sample that produces a sufficient vapor pressure for measurement at 300 degC can be tested. Many organic compounds, however, decompose at high temperatures with or without the presence of oxygen while the resulting gas or vapor contains decomposition products. Thus, the measurement results may show a narrow explosive range or, in some cases, an explosion does not occur. For testing at high temperature, therefore, we refer to existing data to examine the possibility of thermal decomposition, its onset temperature and the resulting decomposition products. If these are unknown, then the optional SC-DSC test will be performed to measure the decomposition onset temperature to provide recommendations – e.g., measurements at temperatures lower than the decomposition onset temperature.

DSC test

Q: What's the difference between SC-DSC and HP-DSC with respect to examination of the thermal stability of substances?

A: The SC-DSC test is performed under atmospheric pressure, with a sample put into a metallic sealed cell (SC). The HP-DSC test uses a metallic cell with a pinhole (0.1mm dia.) inside the pressure vessel, and air, nitrogen, etc. is injected to pressurize a sample (7 MPa gauge pressure max. ). When performing the DSC test to examine the thermal stability, therefore, we confirm the purpose of measurement and the condition of a sampling point to propose appropriate apparatus. If a sample is an acid or halogenated compound, and reacts with metal (stainless steel cell, etc.), we propose optimum measurement such as using gold plated stainless steel cell.

Japanese Fire Service Act test

Q: What needs to be examined to see if a substance is a hazardous substance or not under the Japanese Fire Service Act?

A: With the ordinance of the revised Japanese Fire Service Act (1988) enforced in 1990, hazardous materials specified in the Japanese Fire Service Act must be tested, and the results of which serve as the basis of final determination. SCAS has been performing tests on Category I through VI, and specified combustibles since the introduction of the verification tests. The judgement flowchart for hazardous substances under the Japanese Fire Service Act shows what needs to be examined. While verification tests and priorities are determined for each solid and liquid, the most important point is that verification tests are specified according to the chemical formula of a test substance and the composition of a mixture. As a matter of course, SCAS strictly observes the confidentiality of requested information and is open to consultation based on the details of the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) provided.

Q: In what form are the verification results reported?

A: SCAS reports the test results in an application form that can be submitted as is, with the rest of required information filled in by customers – i.e., the company name, address, and the name of an applicant, with a seal affixed to it.

Q: If the results are on the borderline, how much are they reliable?

A: Measurement results may vary depending on slight changes in the composition, trace impurities, particle size, water content, etc. of samples. If the results are on the borderline due to such changes, which is critical for judgment concerning hazardous substances, SCAS performs a careful tests. For example, SCAS performs additional measurements for comparison or reconfirms the details from customers to make the results more reliable.

Contact Us for Services

For inquiries and requests concerning services of analysis, measurements, products and consulting , please feel free to contact us via inquiry form or telephone/fax .
