2. Services
  3. Material Sciences
  4. Evaluation of Hazardous Substances for Disaster Prevention
  5. Confirmation Testing of Hazardous Materials in the Jpanese Fire Service Act
  6. Fire Service Act Hazardous Material Determination (Category IV)

Fire Service Act Hazardous Material Determination (Category IV)

Category IV Hazardous materials in the Japanese Fire Service Act (infllammable liquids)

Liquids with inflammability (Including Class III petroleums, Class IV petroleums and oils extracted from animals and plants are limited to those forming liquids at 1 atm and 20 degC)


Appended Table 1 given in the law (including items specified by Cabinet Order)

Category Nature Overview of properties Item (including items specified by Cabinet Order)
Category IV Inflammable liquids Liquids with inflammability (including Class III petroleums, Class IV petroleums, and oils extracted from animals and plants are limited to those forming liquids at 1 atm and 20degC)
  1. special flammable materials
  2. Class I petroleums
  3. alcohols
  4. Class II petroleums
  5. Class III petroleums
  6. Class IV petroleums
  7. oils extracted from animals and plants

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