1. Basic Policy
Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Ltd. (SCAS) places compliance at the bedrock of its corporate management. As we engage in business in many parts of the world, all of the companies in the SCAS Group are devoting earnest efforts to stay in strict compliance with not only laws and regulations, but also ethical principles in a business environment.
In recent years, in particular, companies are expected to fulfill their societal responsibilities more than ever before. Given the circumstances, all companies in the SCAS Group are making concerted efforts to further compliance activities, under the strong leadership of top management, to further enhance compliance in the Group’s business activities on a global basis.
2. Compliance System
SCAS has established the “Compliance Rules” and the following compliance systems and organization in order to effectively achieve management that emphasizes compliance.
(1)Code of Ethics
SCAS has established detailed rules by “Code of Ethics” which SCAS’s executives and employees (including contract employees, dispatched employees, etc.) must obey to comply with laws, company rules and corporate ethics and promote compliance management.
(2)Compliance Committee
SCAS has established a Compliance Committee as an organization that supervises and supports the management to ensure compliance-oriented management. Compliance Committee has the authority to conduct cross-sectional investigation and supervision of the matters relevant to our compliance.
(3)Internal Reporting System (Speak-Up Reporting System)
In order to detect any compliance violations as early as possible or to prevent them from occurring in the future, SCAS has introduced an Internal Reporting System (the Speak-Up Reporting System) that allows company employees, etc. to report a compliance violation or a suspected violation directly to the Compliance Committee or to external lawyers, either.
3. How to Make Use of Speak Up System
The Speak-Up Reporting System may be used by not only SCAS’s executives and employees (including contract employees, dispatched employees, etc.) but also anyone involved in the SCAS’s business such as their families, Group companies or trading partners.
Upon receipt of Speak Up reporting, the Compliance Committee begins investigating into the reported incident of suspected compliance violation. To make the investigation most effective, the Compliance Committee must be provided as thorough information as possible from the reporting person. When you report under the Speak Up System, please fill in the form indicated below with required information provided for each specified item and send it to an appropriate contact for the Speak Up hotline by means of mails, E-mails or FAX.
- *Special remarks about Speak Up reporting on matters relevant to conduct abroad such an European Union ( EU) countries
Speak Up reporting on matters relevant to conduct abroad such as member country of EU may comply relevant laws or regulations of applicable area or individual countries as appropriate. When you intend to report on such matters, as necessary, please be sure to satisfy such mandatory requirements by seeking advice beforehand from an expert versed in this field, such as a qualified lawyer, as to what can be reported and how such reporting can be done.
Contacts for Reporting
General Desk
Telephone | +81-6-6202-1810 |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Speak Up Sougou Madoguchi, Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Ltd. Sumika Fudosan Yokobori Building 4F, 6-17, Koraibashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0043, Japan |
Fax | +81-6-6202-0115 |
Individual Desks
(1)Matters of Legal, general affairs or human resources
- Noncompliance with Antitrust Law, Unfair Competition Prevention Law, Commercial Code, Company Law or Criminal Code
- Contact with antisocial groups, donations, gifts/entertainment or insider regulations
- Noncompliance with Labor Standards Law or Employee Work Regulations, etc.
- Inappropriate accounting procedures, etc.
Telephone | +81-6-6202-1810 |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Speak Up Kobetsu Madoguchi(General Affairs & Human Resources Department), Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Ltd. Sumika Fudosan Yokobori Building 4F, 6-17, Koraibashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0043, Japan |
Fax | +81-6-6202-0115 |
(2)Matters of technology or responsible care
- Environmental protection, safety and disaster prevention, security trade controls, product safety
Telephone | +81-6-6202-1807 |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Speak Up Kobetsu Madoguchi(Reliability Management Office), Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Ltd. Sumika Fudosan Yokobori Building 4F, 6-17, Koraibashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0043, Japan |
Fax | +81-6-6202-0116 |
The External Lawyer Hotline
Attorney | Masashi Kawasaki |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Kawasaki Law office #1404 Itopia Nishitenma Soars Tower, 1-11-20, Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0047, Japan |
Fax | +81-6-6365-5978 |
(1)General Desk of the Compliance Committee Hotline
Telephone | +81-80-1116-7969 |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Speak Up Sougou Madoguchi, Tokyo Office Tokyo Nihombashi Tower, 2-7-1, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-6020 |
(2)The External Lawyer Hotline(Tokyo)
Attorney | Kuninori Oku |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Oku, Katayama & Sato Law Office Tokyo Club Building, 8F 3-2-6 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 |
Fax | +81-3-6550-8124 |
(3)The External Lawyer Hotline(Osaka)
Attorney | Lawyer in charge of Sumitomo Chemical Speak Up |
E-mail address | ![]() |
Mail address | Tatsuno, Ozaki & Fujii Law Office HK Imabashi Building 3-18, Imabashi 4-Chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042 |
Fax | +81-6-6209-8881 |